What is colloidal silver and why is it so effective against skin ailments, bacteria, fungi and viruses?

What is colloidal silver?

Basically a colloid is a homogenous system in which substances are to be found from two different phases (states). For example soot particles in the air (smoke), water vapour in the air (clouds), red corpuscles in water (blood) etc. There are many products on the market under the title silver colloids, but they are not necessarily comparable to the real thing. A real silver colloid (pure silver dispersed in water) on one hand, or simple silver salt colloids (silver chloride in water) and also silver salt solutions (silver nitrate in water), on the other hand. For the layman it is not generally possible to establish whether he is dealing with a proper silver colloid or simply a simple silver salt solution. Nanolia Silver and Pure Silver cosmetics are made from pure silver metal dispersed in water; more specifically, silver particles of nano dimension. The silver particles are so small that they no longer reflect light! However, taking a laser-pointer and directing the light stream into the products, you will see that the light, depending upon its polarisation angle alternately intensifies and reduces. This is the simplest way of proving the nano composition of a colloid. This is the method used in research for determining the diameter of nano particles.

How does colloidal silver work?

The working mechanism of colloidal silver is meanwhile quite clear. It is understood that the silver ions indirectly attack any “infection”. They destroy the enzymes on which individual sources of illness, such as bacteria, viruses and fungi depend on for producing the oxygen they need to live. The “breathing-chain” of the micro-organisms is disrupted, and within a few minutes they are literally “choked to death”. They lose electrolytes and fluids thus shrinking and drying-out.

Product variations

The Nanolia Silver and Pure Silver range is an optimally concentrated, bio-dynamic suspension nano-sized silver particles, in pure energised “osmosis-water”. It is available in various concentrations and emulsions according to the purpose for which it is to be employed. This product can be adjusted to the specific purposes and wishes of the customer. We will be most happy to advise you individually.


Skin care and protection

The skin is the largest organ of the human being, and its natural balance can easily be damaged by various influences. Bacteria and fungi are responsible for skin irritations and may lead to skin ailments. At this point the effective mechanism of colloid silver takes effect. In the form of nano dimensional colloid particles the silver becomes effective against practically all bacteria, viruses and fungi – and in its pure form is completely free from any side effects. This makes colloid silver the ideal therapeutic and cosmetic skin treatment. Special creams make possible the permanent dispersion of silver ions into the skin which prevent any micro-organisms from invading the skin. Furthermore silver helps the regeneration and healing processes. It has the properties of being anti-inflammatory and anti-itching: it is additionally a promoter of fine skin and preventer of skin odours.

The treatment of skin with colloid silver produces an effective result in such different ailments such all allergies, dermatitis, eczema, athletes-foot, herpes, neuro-dermatitis, scalp conditions and dandruff. Equally this product is effective in the healing process of wounds, inflammations and in the case of sunburn. Finally, the deep-pore effectiveness can even reduce the effects of ageing.

Nanolia Silver was subjected to extensive dermatological tests in July 2010. The independent German institute “Dermatest” produced a result of “very good” under the auspices of specialists. According to international regulations there were no allergic or toxic irritants or any negative reactions in the “Epikutantest”.

The stabilisation/strengthening of plants

Nanoia Silver is even suitable for use on plants, whether indoors or outdoors. It prevents plants from attack by bacteria, viruses, mould, fungi, and algae. It can be used by plants, flowers, bushes and even by vegetables, in a similar way to how vitamin C is used by humans. In the case of infection by fungus or parasites the plants can be sprayed (after sundown). Heavily infected plants must have the leaves and the stalks/stems sprayed. The treatment should be repeated within a period of 10 days. For the regular care and stabilisation of plants 2-3 tablespoonfuls per litre should be added to the watering can.


Whereas an antibiotic (against bacterial infections) or an antimycotic (against fungus/spores) only work against a small proportion of the different germs, the application of silver colloidal is described as being effective against several hundred causes of illness (pathogens) such as bacteria, viruses and fungi. Already by the 19th century silver colloidal treatment had established its natural place in medicine. Since the discovery of penicillin in 1928, thousands of antibiotics have been researched.

Modern medicine saw these as being a wonder-weapon against all sorts of bacterial spores. In all the excitement over this, silver colloidal became almost forgotten. It was only when, in ever increasing cases, the bacterial resistance to modern antibiotics became clear, that once again the advantages of colloidal silver were again recognised. In the USA the renaissance of colloidal silver started some years ago, and more recently in Germany. More and more attention is being given to this effective, and almost side-effect-free, method of treating infectious illnesses and skin infections caused by fungi for the speeding-up of wound healing and to strengthen the immune system etc.

Water preparation

The basis for water preparation using silver is the so called, Katadyn-System/Method. By this method water is filtered over a large surface and the causes of illnesses, bacteria etc., the pathogens, are killed. It is not without good reason that hospitals, hotels, airlines employ silver filters. There is even a silver water filter in the American space shuttle, as well as on the Russian space station MIR.

Silver treatment is also effective against algae and for this reason is used, for example, in swimming pools – as well as for the treatment of domestic and bathing water. The refinement of zeolites is also an application focus.

From our own experience

As well as from positive reports from our customers, we are able to report the following observations:-

• Plants flower much better and for longer

• Water in flower-vases no longer stinks

• Greenfly, and similar, are much reduced or even disappear

• Black-fly disappear

• Especially good for begonia plants and for seedlings

• “Tired” plants regain vitality

• Yew and similar plants revive

• Swimming pools remain algae-free for a whole season

• “Feel-better” effect when taken by humans on a regular basis

• Calms the skin following shaving, skin irritation is reduced/or disappears

• Dandruff, dermatitis, acne etc. disappear

• Sun-damaged skin is eased

• “Athletes foot” and finger/toenail infections clear-up.